Shreyansh Patel


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About Me

As a passionate and curious learner of computer science, I have excelled in my academic pursuits at IIIT Nagpur. Now, I am eager to take on new challenges and apply my knowledge to real-world scenarios. I seek an internship opportunity that will allow me to explore the industry use cases and hone my skills in a dynamic and collaborative environment.

Latest Projects

Other Projects

AI based Chatbot to answer FAQs

• The objective of the project is to create a AI Chatbot for queries using FAQs, auto-categorization.
• AI based Chatbot to generate answers to queries based on FAQs using the RASA 3.1 and BERT model.
• Relevance question dataset is automatically updated by the questions asked by the user, and is being stored in MYSQL
• BERT Model helps to classify the questions relevancy with an accuracy of 70 percent .
• Database with CRUD operations, along with voice chat feature.

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  • The project idea is to provide a system for student registration, payment, and reminders for next semester.
  • The system also involves email verification using OTP.
  • It also contains a search bar for fetching data from database and showing data to the admin.
  • Automated Fee payment receipt is generated and shared with the students just after successful registration.
  • Perform operations such as Adding students to the database, Removing students from the database, Updating student details, and Accessing student details.
  • It also contains a search bar for fetching data from database and showing data to the admin.
  • Tech Stack - This project is created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node JS and Mongo DB.

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Playing with Physics using python

• In this project, one can play with the simple concepts of physics in dynamically generated database
• Worked with Python Libraries : Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scipy to develop the application of the system
• This project has heavily used OOPs Concepts in Python.

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